All together for queer visibility and self-confidence – especially in Bautzen!
We’ve been waiting for it for a year now, and soon the time will come: CSD will be back in Bautzen on August 10th.
We already made a small trip to East Saxony in 2023 to support the local activists. Unfortunately, this was urgently needed because extreme right-wing actors such as “Balaclava Graphics” or the “Jugendblock” are mobilizing against all progressive, left-wing and queer events.
And now support is more necessary than ever.
You may have already noticed: a handful of young fascists from the group “Elbland-Revolte” are once again calling for the Bautzen CSD to be disrupted. Just like on June 1st in Dresden or at the “Happy Monday” rallies in Bautzen, they want to push the right-wing takeover and attack queer people. They obviously think that they can stop us from confidently standing up for our community and our rights. Let’s be clear: they are dead wrong!
We will not hush away, we will not allow ourselves to be hidden or driven out of the public space! Not in Dresden, not in Stollberg, and neither in Bautzen. Let’s stick together as a community. Together we will stand shoulder to shoulder against right-wing hatred.
We will ensure a safe arrival and departure from Dresden by traveling together by train.
Together we will give the fascists an appropriate response and spoil their attempt to take space and intimidate us. We need you all for this!
Come to the meeting point behind Neustadt station on August 10 at 10:45 AM. Bring rainbow flags, banners, umbrellas and of course your friends!
Together we will show what place queerphobia and right-wing agitation deserve in Bautzen – none at all!
queer & antifascist – unite and resist!
Queer Pride Dresden & our antifascist friends