Proud Queers for Nazi tears!

United against right-wing intimidation attempts.

June 1st | 10:30 AM | Wiener Platz / DD Main Station

You probably already heard of it: a handful of young fascists from the group “Elbland-Revolte” plan to meet at 11 a.m. at the main station on the occasion of the CSD demonstration this Saturday (June 1st). Apparently they believe that they can keep us from confidently standing up for our community and our rights. But we say clearly: they’re dead wrong!

We will not be intimidated and we will not hide or hush away from public space – not during Pride Month of all things! Even though as Queer Pride we take to the streets on June 22nd, as a community we will stand together in solidarity with our allies against right-wing hatred.

Together we want to ensure a warm welcome and a safe arrival for all queers at the main station. We will give the fascists an appropriate response to spoil every attempt to take away our space and intimidate us. And we need all of you for it!

Join us on June 1st from 10:30am at Wiener Platz. Bring your Pride flags, banners, sun shade and of course your friends!

With our officially filed rally at Wiener Platz we will show them which place queer hostility and right-wing agitation deserve in Dresden – none at all!

queer & antifascist – unite and resist!

Queer Pride Dresden & our antifascist friends