
Dear Queers, dear Allies!

On June 24th 2023 we will meet at 2pm at Hauptbahnhof for the third Queer Pride Dresden.

At about 3:30pm we will make a brief stop at Theaterplatz and listen to some of the great speeches of the day. The march ends at Alaunplatz at 5pm.

At the end of the day there is an after-party at objekt klein a, starting at 7pm.

Please write to us if you have a concern.

Route and directions

The route stretches about 5,5km. We will only walk on flat ground and thus the route is completely wheelable.

Route checkpointApproach by tram stop
Start: Wiener PlatzHauptbahnhof
St. Petersburger StraßeHbf Nord, Walpurgisstraße
AugustusbrückeNeustädter Markt
Ende: AlaunplatzAlaunplatz
Styleised illustration of the demo route.

Text is printed on the left:

Queer Pride Dresden

Start: 14:00

Ende: 17:00

Aftershow: 19:00
objekt klein a

Demo blocks and lineup

There are no fixed thematic blocks at Pride. Rythms of Resistance (DD/Wrocław) will be at the front, the first block is queers only. We are happy about signs and banners with queer political demands. We don’t fancy national flags. Parties are kindly requested to line up at the back.

  • 1st Truck: L_Sa & Jane Toniç
  • 2nd Truck: House of Them
  • 3rd Truck: LadyBug & nøvo 


All speeches will be translated to german sign language at the first truck. You can also read them here in english and german. We’ve got inputs from the following amazing groups and organisations:

Start rally:

Stopover at Theaterplatz:

End rally:

What to bring and what to leave?

Don’t forget to bring water, snacks, sun screen and ear protection if necessary. Pride is the perfect place to present yourself and your outfit. Please avoid logos from police/army and stuff that looks like weapons. Because Stonewall was a riot, and we don‘t want to idolize repression. FFP2-Masks are welcome, as are puppies. There is no room for racism, sexism, queerphobia and anti-semitism at Pride!

Carnality, Kink & Consent

Queer smooching, free hugs and kinks have their rightful place at Pride – as long as everyone
involved is giving consent. If in doubt, please ask other persons before hugging them etc.!

Not having to hide one’s own body can be a great and empowering experience. We ask men who go topless in particular to be mindful so that others do not feel uncomfortable and constricted by that. Please be considerate and bring a spare T-shirt to be on the safe side.

Let‘s be gentle with each other so that we can be dangerous together!

Awareness and first aid

There will be helpers you can talk to if you don’t feel well or safe or if you experience something unpleasant. Don’t hesitate to contac our awareness team. We also have street medics dealing with medical problems and emergencies.

Are there options for childcare during the demonstration?

We are offering childrens’ care at the Alaunpark for the time of our demonstration.
Your child should be at least two years old, we cannot offer care for younger children.
If you’re interested, please send an email to KinderbetreuungDD@protonmail.com until 23.06.2023 including the following information:

  • age of your child,
  • time frame for the care,
  • any special needs?

How can I support the Pride?

We would love you to tell other people about the Pride and invite them to join.
We also still need money to finance all the things we planned. You can find info for donating here.